Support Overview

Being There For You

We enjoy supporting your company; and its mission.

Our support menu provides an overview of Logistic Motion’s customer support.  While extensive, there are always questions.  Please reach out to one of our Associates or Agents for further assistance.  Thank you for considering Logistic Motion for your shipping needs.

How We Work

There’s nothing like good old-fashioned rolling up sleeves and getting at it; but smartly.


We're focused on managing shipper freight through industry leading technology and an expansive network of established carriers across the country.


Whether you're an independent operator or a carrier company with a fleet of trucks, Logisitc Motion has a place for you.


We can, hour-by-hour, track your shipment along the lane from pickup to destination.

Bill of Lading

It's a legal instrument used when freight is in play.

Calculating Freight Class

Freight class is a large factor is determining shipping prices and is tabulated by many factors.

Shipping Preparation

Transporting products to their destination undamaged is why thoughtful and diligent preparation is imperative.

Shipping Guide

If you need direction in developing company shipping directives, then don't hesitate to make use of our resources.


We've provided answers to the most commonly-posed freight shipping questions.